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Our competences

the key competences We are offering ?

that we offer

the key competences We are offering ?

that we offer

We had the incredible chance to start Technacol’s activity around Adhesion and Adhesive bonding that is to say a highly multidisciplinary science.

From adhesive bonding to material science and durability

This diversity allowed along the years, the different projects, to diversify our skills. Although we are reinventing ourselves everyday, we presenting here a presentation of our competences that we are offering today to your organisation. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you want to know more.

“From collage to material science and sustainability”

This diversity has enabled us to diversify our skills over the years, through projects and expertise. Even if we reinvent ourselves every day, we offer you here a presentation of the skills we propose to put at the service of your organisation.  

Do not hesitate to contact us for more information.

Polymer engineering & Adhesion

Our core activity

Polymer engineering & Adhesion

Our core activity

Our core activity is polymer engineering and adhesive bonding technologies. From thermosets to thermoplastics, structural adhesives to pressure sensitive adhesives, our expertise will allow you to meet you innovation challenges. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you want to know more.


Reliability guaranty


Reliability guaranty

In the direct framework of our adhesive bonding experience, the study of materials durability and bonded assemblies reliability in severe natural environment or laboratory environment is a fundamental part of our activity. 

Today, we are introducing statistical ageing data management to these practices. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you want to know more.

Processes reliability

Quality guaranty

Processes reliability

Quality guaranty

Because adhesive bonding and more generally polymer materials processes are very sensitive processes, reliability and robustness analysis of manufacturing parameters is absolutely critical.

The new era of “big data” technologies allows us today to implement new approaches of statistical management of processes. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you want to know more.

Composite repair

Give a second life to composite structures

Composite repair

Give a second life to composite structures

We are working on adhesive bonding assemblies structural repairs and also on the reversibility of the said adhesive assemblies.

 These research works are totally in line with composite structures repair issues. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you want to know more.

Renewable energy materials

Applied material science

Renewable energy materials

Applied material science

One of the major side application of polymer materials is electrical, electronic and power electronic material solutions: 

  • electronics globe-topping
  • winding impregnation
  • printed circuit board varnishing
  • novel magnetic materials and many more

Please do not hesitate to contact us if you want to know more.

Biosourced materials

To renew polymer chemistry

Biosourced materials

To renew polymer chemistry

Climatic emergency now urges us to rethink our day-to-day’s materials and reject oil-based polymers. 

Today, we are working on adhesive bonding solutions based on bio-sourced resins, their durability and on bio-sourced structural bonding. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you want to know more.


End-of-life management


End-of-life management

Today’s environmental issues prompts us to assess the end-of-life issues of materials that surround us. 

In this framework, we work on solutions to disassemble structural bonding in the perspective of materials recycling. 

We are also working on solution to recycle adhesives and polymers and on finding solutions to decompose plastics in the aim of making them bio-assimilable and non-toxic to the environment. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you want to know more.