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Our offer


A 360° approach

From blue print to manufacturing line

A 360° approach

From blue print to manufacturing line

This type of project starts by long exchanges with our customer in order to capture its needs and specifications.

This phase is absolutely crucial as, for adhesive bonding and more generally for material engineering, benefits are obtained by the integration of several functions in a same material.

It is also very important to us to integrate as soon as possible industrialisation requirements.

Validation strategy

An action plan to make a step forward

Validation strategy

An action plan to make a step forward

Consecutively, we suggest our customers specific designs to fit their needs and strategies to validate the said designs.

These strategies, consist is proposing a validation plan using physical and chemical tests on the selected material solution or to justify these designs by document analysis referring to our 30 years knowledge and experience.

Test phase

High technology solutions for your materials

Test phase

High technology solutions for your materials

Then, we set up feasibility trials in order to establish a proof of concept to finally build prototypes.

The intellectual approach is done in parallel with the design of an adequate manufacturing solutions in adequation with our customer project.

Starting the production

Where quality is a priority

Starting the production

Where quality is a priority

We advice our customer along the manufacturing process and the manufacturing parameter management. The objective is to secure your quality expectations

Do not hesitate to  contact us to know more.

Example of our successes

Customised engineering projects

Example of our successes

Customised engineering projects

  • AERONAUTICS : definition of surface treatment process of a composite material part for the aeronautical industry
  • OIL AND GAS : Corrosion issues on collection points of old gas pipelines
  • SPORT : Study of a structural adhesive bonding solution for all terrain bicycles
  • AUTOMOTIVE : Cross-linking process study of a thermoset polyurethane resin by DSC
  • FOOD PACKAGING: study of an tropical leaf and bio-sourced plastic adhesive bonding to manufacture vegetal plates
  • SPORT : Swimming goggles adhesive bonding